Nolensville College Grove Utility District
Nolensville College Grove Utility District is an equial opportunity provider and employer. If you wish to file a Civil Rights project complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, found online at http://www.ascr.usda.gove/compaint_filing_cust.html, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request a form.
A $75.00 Connection Fee will be added to your first bill.
*Nolensville/College Grove Utility District does not adjust water bills for customers NOT residing at the current residence for at least 12 months.
*Nolensville/College Grove Utility District will not adjust any bills for Irrigation or Pools.
*Nolensville/ College Grove Utility District is under no obligation to inform you of a water leak.
*If you have sewer service through Nashville Metro we will send your service information to them. You will receive a separate bill for water and sewer. NCGUD does not provide sewer service.
A $75.00 Connection Fee will be added to your first bill.
*Nolensville/College Grove Utility District does not adjust water bills for customers NOT residing at the current residence for at least 12 months.
*Nolensville/College Grove Utility District will not adjust any bills for Irrigation or Pools.
*Nolensville/ College Grove Utility District is under no obligation to inform you of a water leak.
*If you have sewer service through Nashville Metro we will send your service information to them. You will receive a separate bill for water and sewer. NCGUD does not provide sewer service.